How to Become a ValuePoint Supplier
To become a NASPO ValuePoint contractor, a lead state must first solicit proposals for the products or services your company offers. The lead state works with volunteers from other states to form a sourcing team that collaborates to develop and issue the RFP. The sourcing team would then evaluate your proposal and all others received and determine the best offers for contract awards.
NASPO Valuepoint will update the information for all open solicitations being conducted by a lead state. Contractors are encouraged to periodically monitor the NASPO Valuepoint website for upcoming opportunities. Typically, states also advertise a NASPO ValuePoint, soliciting solicitation through their own solicitation methods.
Our contractors benefit considerably by avoiding repetitive bid preparation expenses and eliminating the need to submit multiple responses for similar solicitations with different jurisdictions. Contractors can factor in greater volumes for multiple jurisdictions when determining their pricing. These savings are then passed along to the states
All of our Master Agreements are awarded by a lead state using a competitive procurement process (typically an RFP). The lead state works with volunteers from other states to form a sourcing team. The sourcing team works in collaboration in the development of the RFP and the evaluation of the proposals. In order for a contractor to become affiliated with NASPO ValuePoint, a lead state would need to solicit proposals for the goods and services your company provides. The lead state along with the sourcing team would evaluate the responses and determine if your company was one of the highest ranked offerors. NASPO ValuePoint posts a notice of all open solicitations being conducted by a lead state. Suppliers are encouraged to periodically monitor the NASPO ValuePoint website for upcoming opportunities. Typically, participating states also advertise a NASPO ValuePoint solicitation through their own solicitation methods.
Usually existing contracts are closed to new suppliers for the term of the contract, however, suppliers may partner with awarded NASPO ValuePoint Contractor. Also, the contract may be opened for a refresh or resolicitation at any time for any reason; at which time new suppliers may respond via a bid/proposal to the existing contract. New solicitations are released by the lead state and advertised via the lead state’s eProcurement system or website. NASPO ValuePoint also advertises the solicitation on our website and encourages all NASPO states to advertise the solicitation. Any and all suppliers are welcome to respond to the solicitation via a bid or proposal. The lead state and sourcing team will evaluate proposals and recommend award of new contract(s).
Each awarded NASPO ValuePoint contractor may market themselves to states and other end users which, depending on the State, may include to local government agencies, K-12 school districts, public colleges and universities, and nonprofits. Contractors are encouraged to reference their NASPO ValuePoint Master Agreements. NASPO ValuePoint also participates in several trade shows throughout the year. Contractors are encouraged to participate in those shows and advertise themselves as being a NASPO ValuePoint Contractor. Potential Suppliers and existing Contractors are also encouraged to attend the annual NASPO Exchange. This is typically held in the spring each year.
Depending upon the master agreement, there could be an opportunity for you to partner with an existing Contractor or offer your products through them as third party products. Please review the master agreements to see if this option is available. Additionally, many NASPO ValuePoint master agreements are awarded to manufacturers or major resellers who distribute products and services through their authorized dealer networks. Opportunities are available for existing and prospective authorized dealers.